Very goofy and cute, the fills you use in-between your frames is very interesting, definitely make more.
Very goofy and cute, the fills you use in-between your frames is very interesting, definitely make more.
Yeah this comic was a lot different from my past ones but definitely gonna try another like it in the future
Glad ya like it ( ^∀^)
Cool line style and ambitious action frames. You should try some color in the next one, maybe just as an experiment.
Thanks, I was gonna try to add color but I thought it would clash with the line art and I didn't have a lotta time
absolutely beautiful style, your linework is so effing awesome
beautiful colors, great use of black and red!
perfectly strange, your work is awesome - will follow
Thank you so much!!
dig the expression, great style wow
dope af
This is really cool.
This is effing cool af
Amazing colors and insta followed
drawing comics on someone else's time
office jerk
Joined on 7/10/14